Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation 正在向世界各国科学家征集突破全球健康技术壁垒的新观点。
联系人:中国生物医学工程学会 翁晓红 13520329075
Announcement: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's "Grand Challenges in Global Health"
The Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative is focused on creating breakthroughs to scientific and technological barriers that impede progress in global health. Under this framework, Grand Challenges Explorations seeks unconventional and creative ideas from innovators worldwide.
Scientists from all fields and all countries who can offer a new perspective on the global health fight are encouraged to apply for a Grand Challenges Explorations grant, which awards $100,000 to test early-stage projects. Topics for this round include:
Create New Ways to Protect Against Infectious Disease
Create Low-cost Diagnostics for Priority Global Health Conditions
Create New Technologies for Contraception
Create New Ways to Measure and Induce Mucosal Immunity
Applications are being accepted September 2 to November 2, 2009. Log on to the following website for more details: