Yuling Yan教授学术报告



4月16日下午16:00,美国加州Santa Clara University 生物医学工程系主任Yuling Yan教授来学院做学术报告。

报告题目:“Integrated Imaging and Modeling Approach to Voice Analysis”, 



Yuling Yan 教授简历:

Yuling Yan received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, in 1991.  Dr. Yan was an assistant professor of engineering at University of Hawaii–Manoa from 2002-2005 before moving to the department of Otolaryngology at Stanford University where she is still affiliated as a consulting faculty. She was awarded an NSF grant (2004~2007) for her research on the technology development and application of the high-speed laryngeal imaging.

Dr. Yan is currently an associate professor and director of the Bioengineering program at SCU. She is also a Consultant Associate Professor in the department of otolaryngology, Stanford University School of Medicine. Her current research focuses on basic and translational aspects of voice research including the development of new imaging modalities to study laryngeal dynamics and function with associated approaches for the analysis and modeling of voice production in normal and diseased conditions. She is also participating in a multi-PI project funded by NIH on the development of optical molecular switch probes and novel detection and analytical methods for applications in high contrast, single molecule imaging in cells and tissues.

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