

时    间:1212号(周一)下午14:30

地    点:生物电子学国家重点实验室三楼会议室

报 告 人:雷党愿教授  香港理工大学


联 系 人:赵祥伟

Title:Nonlinear Plasmonics for Biosensing and Bioimaging Applications


Speaker:    Dangyuan Lei (雷党愿)

Affiliation:Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon,Hong Kong

Abstract: In this talk I willintroduce a fast emerging research area of nanophotonics – plasmonics, which studiesthe nanoscale light-matter interaction and applies the enhanced electromagneticresponse of metallic nanostructure resonators in a wide range of applications suchas optoelectronics, biosensing, bioimaging, energy and environment. Ofparticular interest here is the recently developed nonlinear plasmonicsresearch that uses the spatially confined, intensity-amplified local electromagneticfields of metallic nanostructuresto boost upthe nonlinear conversion efficiencyof metals, including optical harmonic generation (SHG) and two-photonphotoluminescence (TPPL), and the emission efficiency of nonlinear optical materialsnearby plasmonic resonators. Following a brief overview of the ongoing researchactivities and facilities available in my group, I will present our recentresearch results on 1) plasmonic meta-molecules with pronounced Fano resonancesfor ultrasensitive molecular sensing and enhanced second-harmonic generation,2) plasmonic golden junctions for enhanced SHG/TPPL/hyper-Raman scattering, and3) plasmon-enhanced nonlinear emissions fromupconversion nanocrystals forimproved bioimaging.


Biography: Dangyuan Lei received his BSc and MPhil degrees, both in Physics,from Northwest University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005 and2007, respectively. In October 2008, he went to Imperial College London toconduct his PhD study, under supervision by Prof. Stefan Maier and inlong-termcollaboration with Prof. Sir John Pendry, and obtained his PhD degree inPhysics in 2011. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department ofApplied Physics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since September 2012. His main research activities include nanophotonics and nanomaterialsstudies, with particular interest in surface plasmon-enhanced light-matterinteraction at the nanoscale and their applications in energy harvesting,optoelectronic devices, biochemical sensing and biomedical imaging. Since 2007,he has published 74peer-review journal publications including 22 publicationsin Nature Communications, Light: Science & Applications, Nano Today,Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Physical Review Letter, Energy& Environmental Science, Nano Energy, and Chemistry of Materials, with atotal citation of 1780 times (by Google Scholar as of November 2016). He hasreceived several prestigious awards, including the “Deputy Rector’s Award”(2008-2011) and the AnneThorne PhD Thesis Prize” bothfrom Imperial College London, the “Early Career Grants Award” from the HongKong Research Grants Council (2013), the Journal of Materials Chemistry CEmerging Investigator from the Royal Society of Chemistry (2016), and a RoyalSociety International Exchange award (2016).

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