斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学Matjaž Humar研究员学术报告


报告题目:Small lasers inside live human cells

报告人:Matjaž Humar




Dr. Matjaž Humar is a researcher at J. StefanInstitute in Slovenia and leader of Laboratory for Bio-integrated photonics. He has been working for three years as a Marie-Curie fellow at Harvard MedicalSchool and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA. Humar is theco-inventor of world’s first 3D laser and first laser inside a live human cell.He is the first author of two Nature Photonics papers, both including the coverand one Nature Biomedical Engineering paper.


Micro-sizedlasers completely embedded within single live cells and biological tissues havebeen demonstrated. This includes the first laser inside a live cell. The lasersinside cells can act as very sensitive sensors, enabling us to betterunderstand cellular processes. Each laser within a cell emits light with aslightly different fingerprint that can be used as a barcode to tag the cell. Upto a trillion cells (1,000,000,000,000) could be uniquely tagged. We have alsorealized that fat cells already contain lipid droplets that can work as naturallasers. Small lasers embedded in the sample can be used for novel nonlinearmicroscopy, including super resolution imaging. We have also embedded lasers intoskin, which may enable new diagnostic, treatment and imaging tools in medicineand biology. 

Nature Photonics Cover:

 First laser inside a livecell.

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