

报告题目: Mass Production of Vascular Organoids for Regenerative Medicine

报告人:  王凯研究员

时间:   2022年3月17日 上午9点

地点:   逸夫科技馆3楼国重大会议室(北306)

王凯博士, 任北京大学基础医学院生理学与病理生理学系研究员、博士生导师。2010年于东南大学生物医学工程系获得学士学位。2016年于北京大学生物医学工程系获得博士学位,期间主要从事组织工程化人造胰腺的构建。2016-2021年在美国哈佛医学院/波士顿儿童医院心脏外科系做博士后研究,期间主要研究编码ETV2转录因子的改性mRNA在干细胞分化成血管类器官的应用。相关研究工作以第一或共一作者发表在Science Advances, Advanced Materials和Biomaterials等国际期刊,担任Sci. Adv, ACS Nano, Stem Cells, Angiogenesis等期刊审稿人,实验室目前的工作主要是围绕干细胞和心血管类器官的开发和应用。

Mass Production of Vascular Organoids for Regenerative Medicine

Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) derived vascular organoids have become a valuable tool in cardiovascular research, offering a broad range of translational and clinical applications. However, current differentiation protocols remain largely inefficient and lack reliability, thus hampering the expansion of this technology. To overcome this limitation, we developed a method that entails the precise delivery of modified mRNA (modRNA) encoding ETV2 into mesodermal intermediates. Our protocol achieved transient and precise activation of exogenous ETV2 activity throughout the entire mesodermal population which leads to the endothelial cells(ECs). As a result, all h-PSC lines tested differentiated into h-ECs with exceedingly high efficiency (>90%) and reproducibility. Importantly, we validated that the resulting h-ECs were functionally competent in many respects, including the ability to constitute vascular organoids and to form perfused vascular networks in vivo. In summary, we present an approach to differentiate h-PSCs into h-ECs and vascular organoids with high efficiency and reproducibility which hold the promise for vascular therapies.


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